Transfer Walking Points to a Sweat Wallet

 Transfer Walking Points to a Sweat Wallet

Transfer Walking Points to a Sweat Wallet

Transferring walking points to a sweat wallet, the fate of frozen coins in a Sweet Wallet, in addition to selling Sweet Coins inside the wallet and other important addresses that we will talk about in detail in this article.

Transfer walking points to a sweat wallet

After downloading the sweat wallet app for Android from here and iPhone from here, and then activating it, you will have to link it with the basic walking app.

After that, you can transfer the walking points you have collected to your sweat wallet.

Note that in order to transfer your walking points to a sweat wallet, you just need to follow the simple steps below.

1. First, log into the walking program.
2. After opening the application interface, click on the balance at the top left of the interface.
3. Then a window will appear with the option you are walking for crypto, click on it.
4. Then an interface will appear stating that for every 5000 steps you will get a SweetCoin.
5. Click on the open sweat wallet button.
6. A window will appear to enable the walking for crypto option. Enable it if you do not have it enabled.

After completing the previous steps, the walking points will be transferred to the sweat wallet.

Some people wonder that they were unable to download the Wallet app on their phones, so what is the reason? The answer is that there are countries where this application is prohibited for matters related to digital currency trading, so your country may be one of those countries.

It is worth noting that after downloading the Walk Wallet application, the company deactivated currency exchange in the Sweet Coin application, and the currency exchange feature was limited between one wallet and another wallet exclusively.

The problem of not transferring walking points to a sweat wallet

Participants who register after the launch of the wallet on the 13th of September will not have their walking program coins transferred to the sweat wallet.

That is, when activating the wallet and logging in to it, the subscriber will have a zero balance, and the old balance will not be able to transfer it.

This means that he will have to start over and collect new points, after which he will be able to transfer them to the walking app wallet.

But the old frozen coins may be transferred to the wallet, according to some, but so far this has not been confirmed.

As for the subscribers who registered before that date, they did not encounter any problems, and all their points were transferred to the wallet.

So the number of coins in the walking app may not match the number of coins in the wallet.

One of the top FAQs on this topic is: I created the account before September 13th, yet my walking points are not transferred to my sweat wallet?

In this case, you can simply delete the program or clear the application data from the settings, and you can also update the application.

Fate of frozen coins in Sweet Wallet

When you transfer walking points to your sweat wallet, you will notice that the number of coins you own is displayed, and below the number of coins there is a number next to the phrase Available, which is the number of free coins that you can use.

It is worth noting that you cannot use all of your own coins, but they will be dismantled monthly and in stages.

As it is automatically and upon logging in to the wallet, the company releases only 10% of the coins you have.

For example, if you own 10,000 SweetCoins, you can use and release only 1,000 of them.

Where the company took this procedure so that the currency does not become inflated inside the portfolio, and thus the currency loses its value.

You can find out the balance released monthly through the following steps:

1. Log in to your Sweet Wallet.
2. Then click on Detailed balance.
3. Then click on Available.
4. The Locked Sweat interface will appear.

In the last interface, you will know the number of coins that are unfrozen on a monthly basis, and become usable.

Note that the more coins you have, the more coins will be unfrozen each month.

Withdraw Frozen Coins through Influencer Program

In the event that you are unable to convert your walking points into a sweat wallet, you can benefit from those coins through the influencer program!

In order to be able to activate the influencers program and request rewards through it, you must fulfill certain conditions, the most important of which is inviting at least twenty new users, in addition to the user being over 13 years old and other conditions.

The influencer program rewards are determined by the country you reside in, and its rating for your successful referrals.

There are two ways to withdraw the balance through the Influencer program, either through invitations, or through points and transferring them to your PayPal account.

The withdrawal of points through referrals is done by inviting users by copying the referral link within the application and promoting it on social media.

After collecting a certain number of invitations, you will have the option to withdraw in proportion to the number of points, as well as according to the country in which you reside.

For example, if you reside in Turkey, and when you invite ninety people to the influencer program, you have the option to withdraw $25.

In addition to other withdrawal options that increase with the increase in the number of people who have been invited.

As for withdrawing balance through points, it is possible through the following steps:

1. Open Special Offers in the application interface
2. Then choose to offer $1,000 via PayPal.
3. In order to be able to withdraw $1,000, you must obtain 20,000 points, and collect them yourself, meaning that the converted points are not accepted.
4. At the bottom of the interface there is a phrase (swipe to buy for 20,000 SweetCoin), click on it.
5. Finally, the amount of $1,000 will be transferred to your PayPal account.

Selling Sweetcoins after transferring them to a sweat wallet

After transferring walking points to a sweat wallet and freeing up a portion of your coins in the wallet, you can transfer them to people who buy those coins, and then exchange them.

You can transfer coins to friends through the following steps:

1. After opening the application, you will notice the Transfer option, click on it.
2. Then press the Send button.
3. Then type the name of the person you want to transfer currencies to, then Continue.
4. In the next interface, type the number of coins you want to send, then click Continue.
5. Drag the arrow at the bottom of the following interface Confirm and Transfer.
6. Wait a while, then the coins you sent will be transferred to that person.

 The problem of theft of Sweetcoin wallet coins

After transferring Walk Points to a sweat wallet, there are some people claiming that they can unfreeze the unfreezed coins in the Sweat Wallet.

Then they put an email requesting to send the message that includes the activation code for your wallet.

Then, using the code, they can steal the coins inside the wallet, in addition to your information, and they can also steal the wallet itself! Also log into it.

Therefore, we advise you not to share your wallet information with others, as this may expose you to theft.

Sweat wallet support

Many users of this application may experience problems when converting walking points to a sweat wallet.

In the event that you encounter any problem, or if you want to ask about anything related to the walking application wallet, you can contact the support department in the application, explain it and request a solution.

If you created the account before September 13th but you forgot the wallet activation code, and the code message is also deleted for you

For example, in this case, your only solution is to communicate with the support teams for the program, just send your email in English explaining your problem, then you will have to wait for a response.

But if you deleted the activation code message no more than a month ago, you can retrieve it from the trash in your email.

If you want to contact the Support Department of Sweet Wallet, follow these simple steps:

1. Log in to your sweat wallet, and open the app interface.
2. Then click on the FAQs and learning button.
3. Then the Sweat Economy menu will open
4. In that list, you can send the problem or inquiry exclusively in English.

 At the end of our article Converting Walking Points to a Sweat Wallet, we have explained to you, dear reader, how to transfer your walking program balance to a Sweat Wallet.

As well as the most common problems with users of this new application, as well as the solution to each of them if possible.

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