Marketing Phrases: 10 Phrases That Attract Customers And Motivate Them to Buy
Before you think about using marketing words and phrases to attract and persuade customers, you must first master the skill of negotiation and persuasion. This is one of the biggest challenges that most merchants and sellers face. There is no doubt that words have a very important role in the world of sales, as they will either positively or negatively affect the purchase decision of customers, so marketing words and phrases must be chosen to attract customers very carefully.
Based on the many experiences in promotional words and marketing phrases, the word “free” remains the most effective, whether it is presenting another product with the purchase of a product or providing a service such as free delivery or a discount coupon with future purchases. And then it is more attractive.
10 attention-grabbing words and phrases that sound like magic
There are a lot of easy words that can be used to convince your customers to make a purchase decision, and in this regard, “entrepreneur” published a list of the 10 best marketing phrases to attract customers that have the power of persuasion, and attention-grabbing phrases that motivate the buyer to make a purchase decision:
1. Free of charge
The word “free” has the effect of magic, and although it has become used a lot, it still has a great influence in bringing in many customers. Even though the conscious mind expects some deception hidden behind this word, it accepts the invitation out of curiosity and curiosity, and there may actually be a benefit.
Try to put the word “free” and you will see impressive results.. You can give customers who buy large quantities of goods from you simple free gifts, such as: a shirt or a sports hat from certain brands, as customers prefer to get free gifts, no matter how simple they are, because they give them a feeling Distinctive beyond its material value.
2. Exclusive
People always want to buy premium products that are only available to a select group of people, and the word “Exclusive” fulfills this desire for them. The word “exclusive” can be replaced with phrases such as “for members only” and “first time”.
3. Original
With the spread of counterfeit and counterfeit products all over the world, the authenticity of the products has become the concern of customers, who need reassuring words and guarantees to accept the purchase.
4. Limited offer
One of the biggest call-to-buys is limited-time offers, like the first 100 people get one for free.
5. Sale
It is one of the ancient words that has the effect of magic in bringing in many customers. While a lot of companies use the word “discount,” it still has the power to motivate customers to buy. Who doesn’t love a good deal at a cheaper price?
6. You
The second person pronoun should be used when talking to the customer to persuade him and urge him to buy. The second person pronoun “you” should be used. The customer feels that the product is directed to him in particular.. Also, repeating the customer’s name during the conversation is considered a positive factor, which is endearing to the customer.
7. Because
The word “because” followed by reasons explaining the importance of obtaining a product draws the attention of customers, because the human mind loves to hear the reasons and explanations for the benefits that the product will provide to its owner.
8. Better
For the word “better” magic fell on the ear, but as we indicated at the beginning of the topic, people should not be deceived and used with inferior products!
9. Easy
Human nature tends to admire complexity, but it rewards simplicity. And because life has become so complex, and the world has become so lazier because of the repercussions of the technical age, words like simple or easy to do attract attention.
10. Comparison
The Internet has made it easier for everyone to compare products before making a purchase decision. This feature can be used by telling readers to make a comparison between the offered product and other competitors’ products in terms of quality and ease of use, as this facilitates the way for customers.
In addition to what is mentioned in the list above, there are many marketing words and phrases to attract customers that the customer would like to hear, such as our goods are of high quality – our products are comparable to the world – warranty and after-sales maintenance – our goods conform to specifications – free delivery..
a summary
If you want to master the use of words to attract customers and persuade them to buy, and marketing phrases to attract customers, there is one way to do that, which is to have the skills of persuasion and negotiation, and below you can identify 6 powerful skills through which you can persuade any customer to buy from you: