How to earn money on YouTube

 How to earn money on YouTube


How to earn money on YouTube

How to profit from YouTube; Every day we hear stories about people who were able to profit from YouTube and even achieved great profits. You may be one of those people, but you should know that the ladder of success begins with a step and requires patience, time and effort, and whoever thinks that once a YouTube channel is created, he will reap profits like rice, and we are here. We teach you how to get started in this field and what are the right steps to make comfortable income from Google Adsense through views and ads on your channel. Learn with us the most important ways to earn from it.

Create a YouTube channel

Using your gmail account or creating a new account, then creating a channel, logging in to YouTube, and going to the “Advanced” section of the settings. Put an appropriate keyword for the content you provide on the channel, and choose an easy and distinctive username, as this will benefit you, as the more distinguished it will be easier for your audience to mention you, even if you already have an old username. You can go to the Google Plus account and modify the username whenever you want.

Search for a niche for the YouTube channel

Let the choice of your niche be related to your passion or hobby, as it depends to a large extent on the amount of profit from YouTube, so take advantage of the best thing you do, even if you are humming, highlight your talent and get people’s support. Or if you have the ability to teach people something, teach them through YouTube. You have high taste, as there are those who are looking for someone to tell them how to wear and how to choose the best brands in the market.

If you love pets, let people see you and teach them to love them. Or you can make them laugh with funny videos with animals, if you sleep a lot, there are those who long to sleep without taking sedatives, so guide them on how to overcome their life suffering and enjoy psychological calm so that they can enjoy a good sleep.

Provide high quality content

You have to upload high-quality HD videos, and to stay away from long videos, depending on the type of video that you will upload, and you must regularly upload video clips. And to keep it commensurate with the activity of the channel, and it is not necessary that the content be good at the beginning, as with practice it will be better, and with every video you upload, strive to be better than the previous one, and this is what you will learn with the passage of time.

You can use a good camera to help you improve your content or resort to montage programs, and to seek to improve your photography skills, use a tripod or seek the help of a friend to improve the level of lighting. All of these factors produce high-quality videos for you, and thus more views, and thus more profit from YouTube

If you want, and certainly do, a loyal audience, you should update your channel and add content regularly. And as much as possible, maintain that regularity, and we advise you to place your tag or logo on your videos and use keywords that describe the clips, as this attracts more people to your videos through YouTube searches.

Build and attract an audience

The audience is the main factor in achieving and increasing profit, so there is no profit if one of the ads added to the clips is not seen, and there is no secret behind attracting a huge audience of buyers unless you provide better content, while continuing to upload clips and trying to reach those interested in your niche by sharing Video clips on social media Facebook, Twitter and groups.

You should also interact with the audience by responding to their comments and broadcasting videos related to their questions, and thus you maintain your audience and seek to grow, which is what benefits you in profiting from YouTube.


In order to start earning income, you must first activate the monetization feature, and once you activate it, you allow YouTube to add ads to the videos, and by that you mean that there are no copyrighted materials in your videos.

Achieving 10,000 views

In updating the new YouTube policies, your channel must reach 10,000 views within a maximum of 12 months, in order to be able to submit a request for profit from YouTube, and once the clips are uploaded, you can monetize them by clicking on the “Monetization” tab or by clicking on “Monetize with Ads” icon.

You can also download the video, then open the “Video Manager” and click on the sign next to the “$” video that you want to make a profit from, then select the “Monetization using ads” icon. AddMeFast provides you with a free opportunity to get views through it for two days. Activate the account on it, you just have to log in and go to the email to activate your account and then start getting views.

Promote your videos well

Do not rely on YouTube alone to gain views. You should promote the video in other places by creating a website or sharing it in groups and on social media, Facebook and Twitter. The higher the percentage of views, the better for you, by sharing the link or by including it on websites. These are only attempts Improve the chance of making more profits.

Google Adsense account activation

Before you start earning from YouTube, you must create a Google Adsense account by clicking on “Sign up now” and start setting up the account. You must be 18 years of age or older in order to be able to create your own account. If your age is less than that, seek the help of an older person. And you enter his data instead of you.

You can receive your money through your bank account or Western Union, postal number, and other information that Adsense will ask you to verify the identity of who will receive the money when you send it. In the beginning, the earnings per click on ads will be insignificant amounts, less than per view, but let’s be patient, as the profits increase over time.

For this reason, views are the main factor in making more profit from YouTube. You can also make money from YouTube through ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsorships.

Frequently asked questions about profit from YouTube

To make money from YouTube, you will need a channel with a large number of subscribers and views. You can also earn money by placing products and selling goods. Here are some frequently asked questions about earning from YouTube:

Is it possible to lose monetization from YouTube?

YouTube will not automatically prevent you from this, but if the channels violate one of the monetization policies, this may lose your profit from YouTube, regardless of the number of subscribers or watch hours.

How many subscribers do we need to start making money from YouTube?

When the profit policies changed, it became necessary for the channel to get 1,000 subscribers within the past 12 months, and the more subscribers, the more views, and that attracts more audience and motivates them to subscribe.

In the end, we find that millions of people around the world browse YouTube for entertainment, and perhaps the most important thing that makes you profit from YouTube is the method of attracting the audience and not the value of the content. For example, geography is not of interest to many, but there are videos published by Paul Barbato’s channel under the title of geography with excitement and comedy, and indeed the views exceeded 100 million views and 1 million subscribers.

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