Shares distributed quarterly-WWNEED.COM

 Shares distributed quarterly-WWNEED.COM

Dividend is the process by which a portion of a company’s profits are distributed to shareholders and investors. When the company achieves a large profit or excess profits, it is able to pay a percentage of the profits to the shareholders who have put their trust in its work and invested its shares in it. Dividend distribution may take several forms, either in cash, or by issuing more bonus shares if the company has a dividend reinvestment plan. Dividend distributions differ between companies in terms of the percentage of payment and also in terms of duration. There are companies that distribute annual profits and others that distribute quarterly profits. In the Saudi financial market, there are shares distributed quarterly. We will get to know the most important of them.
Companies distribute quarterly profits
Saudi Aramco is officially called the Saudi Arabian Oil Company. Aramco is a Saudi public oil and natural gas company headquartered in Dhahran, which has earned its reputation as one of the largest companies in the world in terms of revenue. Saudi Aramco has the second largest proven reserves of crude oil in the world, with more than 270 billion barrels and the largest daily oil production of all oil producing companies around the world. Aramco distributes quarterly dividends to its shareholders, and this makes it a more attractive investment destination for many investors aspiring to get some steady returns.
Saudi Advanced Company
Saudi Advanced Company, a Saudi company for electronic industries and modern technology, has emerged as a national leader in electronics, manufacturing capabilities, and repair and maintenance services. With a 100% project completion rate, this firm’s specialty spans across defense and energy services, information technology, communications, and security.
AEC started as a well-known company in the electronics industry, and has evolved as a key ally of the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in localizing military industrialization, spreading smart technologies, and accelerating industrial and commercial growth.
This company is keen to reward its investors and shareholders for the amount of trust they have placed in it since its inception by distributing quarterly profits to them. Saudi Advanced Company, as one of the most important Saudi companies that distributes quarterly dividends, is a very attractive company.
Saudi Jarir operates the largest e-commerce store in Saudi Arabia. It is famous in the field of selling books and electronics. Jarir is one of the most important Saudi companies that pays part of its profits periodically every quarter to its shareholders and investors.
Saudi Telecom Company
STC is the Saudi digital enabler of telecom services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and among the most important telecom operators in the Middle East. The company provides landline, fixed and mobile infrastructure and data services as well as mobile computing and broadband services. The company pays great attention to dividends, and it distributes quarterly dividends to its investors.
Good company
Taiba Investment Company is a Saudi joint stock company, established on the twenty-fourth of September 1988, with a capital of one billion six hundred and four million, five hundred and seventy-four thousand eight hundred and thirty Saudi riyals (1,604,574,830). This company is active in owning real estate, hotels, and entertainment facilities, and investing in them through buying and selling, managing, operating, and maintaining them.
The company aims to be at the forefront in real estate investment and development activities, and its main mission is to commit to investment and real estate development that achieves a rewarding and sustainable return for shareholders and employee development.
Taiba Company is also keen to distribute quarterly profits to its shareholders and investors, and this also makes it one of the best and most attractive investments for many investors.
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